Origins 2021

It is with much thought and a heavy heart that we at Infinite Black have chosen to not attend Origins Game Fair this year, both as attendees and exhibitors. This is not a decision that was made lightly and there were many factors which led us to this decision so close to the show.

While all of our team has been vaccinated for Covid, we had a close scare with a breakthrough case while at Gen Con. While sharing rooms with other exhibitors at Gen Con, one of the non-IB roommates tested positive for Covid even though they had been vaccinated. Because the Infinite Black team all traveled together, this had the chance to expose all of us. Luckily each member of our team has tested negative so far and we are all in good health. And our friend who tested positive is doing well with minor symptoms.

As you can imagine, this caused a very frantic end to last week. Not only were we worried about the well-being of our crew, but we also had to figure out logistics if anyone on our team were to test positive, and how we would transport all of the things we make to the show. When getting tested, we were told that some of our team might not get the results back until Wednesday or Thursday of this week, which would have been too late for us to attend the show.  Not knowing what the results would be, we made the pre-emptive decision to cancel our booth at Origins Game Fair this year. 

We love Origins Game Fair and hope we can be back even stronger next year.

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